
What is the entrance fees?

an amount of money that you pay in order to be allowed into a cinema, theatre, etc.Synonym. admission (ALLOWING IN) Costs & expenses.

What is entrance fee entrance fee?

An entrance fee is a sum of money which you pay before you go into somewhere such as a cinema or museum, or which you have to pay in order to join an organization or institution.

What is the purpose of entrance fee?

The entrance fee is a sum of money paid upfront to secure a place in the community. This upfront investment can actually lower your monthly fee, which covers services such as maintenance, housekeeping, meals, activities, utilities and transportation.

Is it entry fee or entrance fee?

An entrance fee is a sum of money that you pay before you enter a place such as an amusement park or museum, or that you have to pay in order to join an organization or institution.




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