Sea Point Swimming Pool

Entrance Fee

Travel Agency

Sea Point Swimming Pool

Sea Point Swimming Pool



How much is Sea Point pools entry fee?


How much is the entrance fee into the Sea Point Pavilion? The entrance fee for adults is R33, Children R19 and pensioners for free. What are the opening hours for the Sea Point Pavilion?

Can you swim at Sea Point Beach?

While Sea Point beach is not suitable for swimming, it adjoins an Olympic sized swimming pool facility and has a few rock pools for the little ones. With only a few small sandy coves and deep kelp beds, the beach is better for sun tanning and picnicking.

How long is Sea Point pool?


Main PoolDiving Pool
Length50m20 m

What is the temperature of the seapoint pool?

WhenSummer (October to April): 07h00 – 19h00 (water temp 18-24°C). Winter (May to September): 08h30 – 17h00 (water temp 12-15 °C).

sea point swimming pool

Sea Point Swimming Pool
Sea Point Swimming Pool

Sea Point Swimming Pool


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