Hazelmere Dam is a combined concrete gravity type dam located on the Mdloti River, Kwazulu Natal, South Africa. It was established in 1977 and its primary purpose is to serve for irrigation and domestic use. The hazard potential of the dam assembly has been ranked high.
hazelmere dam

Where is Hazelmere dam situated?
Hazelmere Dam is situated in a gorge on the Mdloti River, about 5km upstream (north-west) of the town of Verulam. The dam is situated in the Magisterial District of Verulam (29o34′ – 29o36’S; 31o00′ – 31o02’E), and the relevant 1:50 000 scale topographical map is 2931CA VERULAM.
How full is Hazelmere Dam?
Dam & Rainfall Data
Umgeni Dams | Capacity Million m3 | Percentage Full |
Hazelmere Dam | 27.78 | 74.81 |
iMvutshane Dam | 2.32 | 73.17 |
Home Farm Dam | 0.56 | 101.8 |
Woodstock Dam |
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