Does Florida Lake have a swimming pool?
There is a putt-putt course, an Olympic-sized swimming pool and an adventure park for the kids. The lake is situated in suburban Roodepoort and a number of residential flats look out over the water.
How much is the entrance fee for Roodepoort swimming pool?
Roodepoort’s swimming pool, situated on Exner Street, Roodepoort, is open from 10am to 5.45pm. The entrance fee is R8,50 for adults and R4,50 for children. For more information, contact Ivan Jafta on 011 760 2237.
How much is Florida Lake?
Tickets cost R100 per person and there is an option to purchase family packages.
How much is the entrance fee at Little Falls Resort?
Little Falls Pleasure Resort, situated on Fall Street, Little Falls is open from 7am to 5.45pm. The entrance fee is R33 for adults, R19 for children, R33 per car and R164 for a bus. For more information, contact Amos Tibeila on 011 958 5162.
florida lake swimming pool

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